
Make every moment count,   Make it memorable, make it truly yours.

What will be the highlight of your Final Bash?


When it comes to celebrating our lives, death is an inevitable part of the journey.

But what if you were given the opportunity to plan one final celebration?
  • Imagine the ultimate party, where your friends can reflect on all your accomplishments and memories . A celebration where where they can raise a glass to you, dance, and live in the moment, fully embracing the life you have lived.


Would it be...

A simple Dinner party with a select group of friends and Family?
  • With your favorite foods and drink? Entertainment of your choice?

Or Maybe...

  • One last night with the guys

    With bar tabs at your favorite bars in Vegas,

  • Or maybe that last Ladies night,

    With a fine dinner and cocktails at that little bar that we always stopped in at.

HOW IT WORKS Final Bash allows you to plan and fund your ultimate celebration in a secure and safe manner. Your funds will be placed in trust and distributed to your designated party host only after you pass away. You can create the plans for your final celebration, and set aside the funds to ensure that your loved ones can give you the send-off you desire, without any financial burden on them. By planning and funding ahead, you can ensure that your final celebration will happen exactly as you envision it, leaving behind a lasting legacy for your friends and family to remember you by.

Whats Next?

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